Friday 28 September 2012

Yay. Another hate list.

I'm in a 'I hate stuff' mood again, which is normal. Here be a small list of people I want to hit with a spade.
  1. Random drunk people on a night out who ask if they can take my glasses and try them on so their mate can take a photo of them wearing them.
  2. People who queue up for ages, unpack their shopping and appear 'shocked' they have to pay at the end. "Oh, I have to pay? Shit. Okay, my purse is in here somewhere...". Oh, you're shocked you had to pay for your shopping?
  3. People on Twitter who tell you to "Keep your opinion to yourself". Some people just don't get it.
  4. People who upload every single photo from a night out, even the badly lit blurry ones.
  5. People who sigh when I'm in the way because they have a seven foot wide pram with ten fat children in.
  6. People who try and get me to mosh at gigs by shoving me into the pit. Sorry, I paid to see the band live and not get thrown into random drunk dick heads.
  7. People who throw stuff at the main band.
  8. People who glare at you when they cross the road in front of you.
  9. People who retweet bland and uninteresting stuff from celebrities. If I liked them, I'd follow them.
  10. People.

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