Tuesday 10 July 2012

Are you really offended?

I'm 27 and I can honestly say that I have never been truly offended. 

I accept that life is offensive. People will say things that may be narrow-minded, racist and homophobic, but as they are not aimed at me, I won't let it bother me.

Even if someone comes up to me and calls me a 'faggot' I won't be offended, on the basis that I would not give that person the time of day and as they walk away, I would instantly forget about their existence. 

I remember reading a letter in the paper a few years ago, from someone who was 'out raged' by a comment made by Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson, by describing a car as a bit 'ginger beer' which is rhyming slang for 'queer'.

This person wrote that 'gay people' would find that comment offensive and that the show would lose viewers. How narrow minded is that? I saw the episode and found it highly amusing. I was actually more offended by this person thinking that I was stupid enough to take what Jeremy said, personally. 

I also remember reading about when 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' was banned in schools, because it's 'racist'. If I was black, I'd be more offended by the fact that the government thinks I would be so narrow minded, as to think that a nursery rhyme about a sheep would be aimed at me. 

I've also heard some people say "Oh, my phone is being gay....OH! Sorry Matt". 

Again, I am more offended by them assuming I'd be offended. 

Stephen Fry sums up my very thoughts on the matter...

It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more...than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what.

People need to remember that life is offensive. There will always be someone you don't like, who says stuff you don't agree with and has views you don't agree with. So what. Does it really matter?

Does it really matter that someone you don't know and who you have never met has said something bad about you? Said something you find offensive? Unless it's been said by a family member or a friend, then don't dwell on it. This person is clearly not worth your time or attention.

I spend a lot of time on social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook. My sense of humour is sometimes taken out of context on these sites, as it's very difficult to judge someone's humour from text. I often get 'I find what you said offensive'. So what? That doesn't bother me.

Don't get me wrong, I don't go out of my way to upset or offend people, it's just my humour. But if someone who doesn't know me, expects me to apologise or change the way I use Twitter, all because they found something I said 'offensive' then they can jolly well go fuck themselves.

I work in retail (as most of you are fully aware) and I have been subjected to such horrific abuse, that if I was easily offended, I'd be therapy as we speak.

I've had someone say to me "I hope you die of cancer" because I refused to sell them Rizlas.

My personal favourite "Mate, are you retarded? Fucking reduce this sandwich, Potter". Because I refused to reduce a sandwich in price.

I've been sworn at more times at work than I care to remember. What these people don't realise is, that afterwards, I go out the back and laugh about how stupid that person was. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed my rant. If anyone was offended by anything in this blog, then feel free to build a time machine and unread it.

Because basically, I couldn't give a shit.

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