Sunday 5 August 2012


I know this is cheating, but I think if I did all 100 in tweets I'd get a mass unfollowing.

So here is my list.

  1. People who don't indicate at roundabouts.
  2. People who do half the speed limit.
  3. People who feel the need to point out how expensive our shop is.
  4. When people have celebrities as their profile picture on Twitter/Facebook.
  5. People who have a celebrity name in their Twitter username.
  6. People who say they 'follow back' yet they have 10,000+ followers and only follow 500.
  7. Campers on Battlefield 3.
  8. Glitchers on Battlefield 3.
  9. When I'm playing conquest (Battlefield 3) and my whole team is sniping, meaning we lose.
  10. When you've just cleaned your car and a bird instantly shits on it.
  11. When I'm only halfway through my day and my iPhone says 25% battery.
  12. Fan bases who feel the need to give themselves a name. Beliebers, Directioners, Monsters etc.
  13. People who only tweet stuff people find 'relevant' for retweets.
  14. When someone asks me if my glasses are 'real'.
  15. People who think it's okay to take my glasses on a night out.
  16. People who call me Harry Potter.
  17. People who come into the shop a minute before we close and pick up a basket.
  18. In the summer the birds start singing at 3am.
  19. When I've put too much cold water into a bath.
  20. When I finally get into bed, then need to get up again.
  21. I do a really funny tweet and no one retweets it.
  22. People who spread their love life all over Facebook.
  23. Facebook.
  24. The Facebook app for iPhone.
  25. Grindr people who start off a conversation with a picture of their penis.
  26. People on Grindr who ask where I am from, despite it saying in my bio.
  27. People who assume I am 'indie' because of my glasses.
  28. People in general.
  29. When it's windy, my windows rattle.
  30. Windows (Microsoft).
  31. Microsoft.
  32. Halo.
  33. Johnny Vaughan.
  34. Big Brother.
  35. Celebrity endorsed products on TV.
  36. Call of Duty.
  37. Customers who argue when they've been refused.
  38. People who do nothing but tweet about how happy they are.
  39. People who upload every photo from their holiday.
  40. People who upload every photo they've taken of their baby.
  41. People who put a picture of their baby as their profile picture on Facebook.
  42. My flat in the winter. No double glazing.
  43. The fact that Clare Balding keeps getting on comedy panel shows.
  44. Justin Lee Collins.
  45. People who think the louder they tell a joke, the funnier it gets.
  46. People who try and add to my joke and just kill the mood.
  47. Justin Bieber.
  48. adverts. 10,000 nectar points is a tenner.
  49. PPI adverts.
  50. Adverts.
  51. Adverts on YouTube.
  52. When shops don't have shoes beyond size 10.
  53. People who text/call me before midday.
  54. People who hate a band because they are 'sell outs'.
  55. People who drive a Toyota Prius.
  56. Tourists who come in and ask for directions and/or taxi numbers.
  57. Rude people.
  58. People with no sense of humour.
  59. People who are always 'offended' about something.
  60. People who apologise for using the word 'gay' around me.
  61. When someone tags me in a photo despite only being able to see my arm or leg.
  62. When someone boasts about being a 'non drinker'.
  63. People who only buy organic stuff.
  64. Vegetarians. 
  65. People in their 30s who dress like they're 18.
  66. People older than 30 who have 'boy' or 'lad' in their username.
  67. People with 'hot' or 'sexy' in their username.
  68. People who queue outside the shop before we open.
  69. People who don't bother to read signs above aisles.
  70. Stupid festival hats.
  71. Racists.
  72. Homophobes.
  73. The man over the road who is always outside his shop and on the phone.
  74. People who are only out for a fight.
  75. BBC iPlayer.
  76. The buffering circle.
  77. People who try and convince me to get contacts.
  78. People who point out the weather to me at work.
  79. Isle of Wight Festival headline acts.
  80. The Daily Mail.
  81. Drug addicts.
  82. Really camp people.
  83. People who keep talking to you, despite your grunts.
  84. Red Bull. (F1 team)
  85. Sebastian Vettel.
  86. Christian Horner (Red Bull team principle).
  87. Ferrari F1.
  88. Sky F1 coverage.
  89. Tidying my room.
  90. When it's too hot to sleep.
  91. When Twitter says "Oops, you already tweeted that" after telling you your previous tweet hadn't sent.
  92. People who do nothing but beg people to follow them.
  93. People who beg celebrities to notice them.
  94. Wasps.
  95. Spiders.
  96. People who say "It's a spider, it won't hurt you". It's a phobia.
  97. The Only Way Is Essex.
  98. Boring people.
  99. When I can't get my glasses clean.
    and finally.

100. When the wind messes up my hair.

1 comment:

  1. This had my pissing myself laughing. In a good way.
